Panchakarma Therapy

Human body is made up of 3 doshas (components) vaat, pitta & kapha.
These tridoshas are responsible for all bodily functions ie metabolism.

When these tridoshas are balanced, health is maintained. But when
disturbed, ie imbalanced, the body is diseased (physical/ mental)
What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy which expels the impure/
disturbed doshas out of the body & promotes sound health.Panchakarma
has long term results. Pancha means 5. So, there are 5 major therapies.
1) Basti
2) Vaman
3) Virechan
4) Raktamokshan
5) Nasya

Why Panchakarma?
The tridoshas (Vaat, Pitta & Kapha) may be disturbed due to stress,
wrong lifestyle or seasonal changes.When the imbalance is mild, the
disease can be treated by medicines. But, when the imbalance is to a
greater extent, the disease is progressed & medicines give a temporary
relief, then Panchakarma is the best therapy.


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